Lactuca: Environmental Data Analyses and Modelling
How can we establish landscapes such way that both nature and humans can coexist

Updated: 18-12-2017

Current Projects:

  • The development of methods to relate complexity among ecosystem service modelling tools to their usability for African stakeholders and data presence, as well as conduct this analysis (contract from CEH, UK, primary source:ESPA–WISER, Willcock et al. 2016, various papers are under revision)
  • Studying the way that functional connectivity for plants can be increased by managing the layout of habitats within the landscape (green infrastructure) and through the presence of management measures like grazing livestock, data-analyses and ecosystemservice modelling workpackage (contract from University of Stockholm, primary source FUNgreen ERA-LEARN 2020, Biodiversa)
  • Combining human dispersal with IPM-models for Brassica oleracea populations along the Dorset coast path, UK (contract from CEH, UK, presented at #EAB2017 Ghent)

Previous projects:

  • Population modelling of Blackgrass populations under various management (contract from CEH, UK, primary source DEFRA project LM0101)
  • Identifying binning biases using Monte Carlo simulated theoretical landscapes and developing improved regression trees to estimate forest cover in tropical areas (Primary source: FP7-ROBIN, Gerard et al. 2017)
  • The development of a more broad and strengthened definition of functional connectivity for plants (cooperation with Stockholm University, Auffret et al. 2017).


Via Danny Hooftman as fellow of Centre for Ecology and Hydrology:

  • Modelling the effects of different agronomic rotation types and AES options on the abundance of arable weeds (DEFRA–Improving the management and success of arable plant options, DEFRA project BD5204).
  • Modelling the risk of spread of pathogens through Italian Olive groves (White et al 2017).
  • Spatial representation of CO2 emissions in the UK based on land use changes, building towards landscape development scenario mapping (internal CEH-CRESENT).
  • Statistical optimisation of uptake of Agri-Environment Schemes, interacting with local landscape semi-natural habitats (Natural England project 153).
  • Combining matrix modelling with seed dispersal models investigating the effects of climate change on the dispersal capacity of species (cooperation with University of Prague, Hemrová et all. 2017).